
LyfScience Worxs

Website, branding
and development

Understanding the audience allows us to develop visuals that reflect the intention of the product.

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Calling Card

Social Media This is Key! Who are you engaging and how you develop your market is crucial. Provide you with key targeting tools and strategies that make for an effective campaign.Video Editing Producing a channel that is visual, relatable with a story. Your product needs a story to support its value. We will help you with a story board that makes sense.

Marketing Material

We don't always think of the material we present to clients/team, we sometimes build within excel, or provide a word document to explain the strategy we will use. However, the message does not always come across clearly and the results are less than acceptable. Having a well designed graphic representation of your plan, with rich visuals to match on key marketing points sets the stage & standard in which your task will be performed and the expectations you have for those you're presenting to.

Personalized email signature

We all have an email account, and in todays world the easiest way to reach someone is by email, Lets keep that professional image on every document we send sharp and with all the details needed to contact and stay connected. Back in the day we had stationary which at that time had your company logo, address and phone number. The medium has changed, and the speed in which we communicate, but staying professional has always been key in how we are perceived. Important factors include Direct links to your website and social media feeds.

Documentation and legal docs.

Since the internet we now overlook how we present legal forms. there is a way to convert legal forms to online forms. This allows your clients to sign directly online . Having the deal closed while the energy of the business meeting is hot is essential in closing. Why not put your contracts online in a secured login section of your website and be ready to signup new clients from anywhere in the world.

PowerPoint Presentations

Keep your audience captivated, allow them to be excited for the next slide. We know that movement, high quality graphics, proper layout added with captivating content will keep
your audience glued into your presentation and at the same time allowing you a much higher percentage of people by into your product, discovery and explanation.

Social media content management

Often times we post to our business page and its usually just a picture, or an attempt on promoting our product. Understanding the audience and the media in which you plan your campaigns are crucial. So the question is, "Who is your audience and what channel do you use?" Allow us to set a discovery session with you to clear the clutter and plan the next 3 months of how you will be portrayed on social media.

Well designed Graphics and Marketing tools

This speaks for itself! Having the right team to support your visuals marketing and development can improve your bottom line.


Offset, Digital, large format or on promo products, we have you covered. We have been delivering High quality printing since the late 80's. You can be sure that 35 plus years of experience in print allows us to deliver the right product the right way all the time.

Websites and hosting

Having a website is now the new storefront! Its not a trend, its not fashionable and its definitely not about only people with money can have a website. Programs are available, creativity is in abundance and having the right tools to operate you business is a must. Social media will get you so far but everyone should know by now that your platform is your website, and your marketing tools that compliment your store are the social media networks, print collateral and presentation products.
