10 reasons to choose the Port of Montreal

The port of Montreal’s program for transportation of goods is accessible through Innovation that ties consumers and business people to a network of Road, rail, and sea with real-time processing, information on water levels, and performance reports.

The port of Montreal is the second-largest port in Canada and a diversified transshipment centre that handles all types of goods.

There are so many reasons to choose the Port of Montreal as your choice for business, here are 10 to name a few.

  1. Strategic location
  2. Distance
  3. Connected
  4. Load Center
  5. Reliable
  6. Fluidity
  7. Market within reach
  8. Intermodal Platform
  9. Smart port
  10. Expansion projects

But did you know…

Did you know that the port of Montreal has a plan for Sustainable development, including actions and measures taken for a greener future.

Protect wildlife is a program that is in place to protect several special-status species found on Port of Montreal territory, including the copper redhorse, the bank swallow, the western chorus frog, the Least Bittern, and the Peregrine Falcon.

Another program in place is the planting of 2,000 trees by 2024. Also by the Grand Quay, there has been an initiative to plant 24,000 herbs plants and flowers, all with the intention is to strengthen the canopy of Montreal’s territory which includes the continuous development of Promenade-Bellerive Park and the Boucherville Islands.


Source: https://www.port-montreal.com/en/goods/business/why-choose-the-port-of-montreal/10-raisons-de-choisir-le-port-de-montreal